all postcodes in TR27 / HAYLE

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Postcode Area

TR / Truro

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TR27 4QY 8 0 50.178473 -5.422552
TR27 4QZ 22 17 50.191425 -5.400609
TR27 4RB 22 0 50.195255 -5.401302
TR27 4RE 12 0 50.196207 -5.400136
TR27 4RF 5 0 50.195569 -5.401016
TR27 4RH 19 0 50.17959 -5.420362
TR27 4RJ 10 0 50.186675 -5.413214
TR27 4RL 18 0 50.185666 -5.414127
TR27 4RP 25 0 50.186287 -5.411971
TR27 4RR 20 0 50.185592 -5.415116
TR27 4RU 1 1 50.184236 -5.420848
TR27 4RZ 39 0 50.185211 -5.416126
TR27 4SA 16 0 50.185758 -5.415885
TR27 4SE 12 0 50.184651 -5.419267
TR27 4RD 14 0 50.195021 -5.403135
TR27 4DB 2 0 50.189327 -5.415407
TR27 4HG 5 0 50.18425 -5.425543
TR27 4AT 2 0 50.185987 -5.407854
TR27 4RS 4 0 50.179503 -5.420552
TR27 4NZ 19 0 50.197397 -5.401566