all postcodes in TR2 / TRURO

find any address or company within the TR2 postcode district

Postcode Area

TR / Truro

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TR2 4QJ 2 0 50.338296 -4.941591
TR2 4QL 1 0 50.318613 -4.966083
TR2 4QP 10 0 50.298354 -4.899169
TR2 4QQ 3 0 50.343578 -4.946202
TR2 4QR 4 0 50.298239 -4.898712
TR2 4QS 3 0 50.298202 -4.898387
TR2 4QT 11 1 50.298008 -4.898249
TR2 4QU 2 0 50.297904 -4.897614
TR2 4QW 19 0 50.29805 -4.899459
TR2 4QX 5 0 50.298096 -4.897229
TR2 4QY 9 0 50.297354 -4.896327
TR2 4RA 23 0 50.300026 -4.899186
TR2 4RB 4 0 50.30534 -4.896771
TR2 4RD 5 0 50.310412 -4.889971
TR2 4RE 7 1 50.315736 -4.888932
TR2 4RF 7 0 50.311669 -4.876537
TR2 4RG 1 0 50.315145 -4.87142
TR2 4RH 1 0 50.297684 -4.882697
TR2 4RJ 8 0 50.295056 -4.860831
TR2 4RL 16 0 50.301217 -4.898683