all postcodes in TR2 / TRURO

find any address or company within the TR2 postcode district

Postcode Area

TR / Truro

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TR2 4AZ 21 0 50.280614 -4.993859
TR2 4BA 30 5 50.27767 -4.995682
TR2 4BB 9 0 50.278877 -4.995294
TR2 4BD 1 0 50.27851 -4.995566
TR2 4BE 47 0 50.276997 -4.999457
TR2 4BG 43 0 50.277669 -4.999556
TR2 4BH 22 0 50.278635 -4.995953
TR2 4BJ 6 0 50.276675 -4.997654
TR2 4BL 6 0 50.2765 -4.998528
TR2 4BN 13 0 50.276026 -5.000491
TR2 4BP 3 0 50.275865 -5.006649
TR2 4BQ 20 0 50.278084 -4.997083
TR2 4BS 25 0 50.275041 -5.002408
TR2 4BU 14 0 50.319786 -4.929458
TR2 4BW 32 0 50.272357 -5.004897
TR2 4BX 2 0 50.315949 -4.918464
TR2 4BY 8 1 50.308319 -4.913192
TR2 4BZ 3 0 50.306563 -4.92658
TR2 4DA 2 0 50.301416 -4.9169
TR2 4DB 1 0 50.301276 -4.932832