all postcodes in TR3 / TRURO

find any address or company within the TR3 postcode district

Postcode Area

TR / Truro

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TR3 6AA 12 0 50.247896 -5.057742
TR3 6AB 13 0 50.247533 -5.058574
TR3 6AD 4 0 50.249377 -5.067784
TR3 6AE 18 1 50.244003 -5.073322
TR3 6AF 4 0 50.238652 -5.07126
TR3 6AG 32 1 50.236564 -5.083811
TR3 6AH 6 0 50.240078 -5.049218
TR3 6AJ 7 0 50.236827 -5.062012
TR3 6AL 17 0 50.238451 -5.045024
TR3 6AN 5 0 50.236342 -5.024589
TR3 6AP 2 0 50.233369 -5.042583
TR3 6AR 22 0 50.228042 -5.032716
TR3 6AS 5 0 50.224676 -5.032432
TR3 6AT 9 0 50.227448 -5.042733
TR3 6AU 5 0 50.224197 -5.05682
TR3 6AW 6 0 50.231717 -5.028355
TR3 6AX 4 1 50.224875 -5.048556
TR3 6AY 2 2 50.242023 -5.061426
TR3 6BA 2 2 50.264457 -5.102847
TR3 6BB 16 0 50.262252 -5.106936