all postcodes in TR3 / TRURO

find any address or company within the TR3 postcode district

Postcode Area

TR / Truro

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TR3 7DD 0 50.177231 -5.164191
TR3 7DE 0 50.172498 -5.165258
TR3 7DF 0 50.174455 -5.162796
TR3 7DG 0 50.186855 -5.17514
TR3 7DH 5 50.189867 -5.17885
TR3 7DJ 0 50.191141 -5.179621
TR3 7DL 0 50.193075 -5.17371
TR3 7DN 1 50.198734 -5.16911
TR3 7DP 4 50.192229 -5.165821
TR3 7DQ 0 50.1872 -5.172774
TR3 7DR 0 50.196658 -5.181789
TR3 7DS 0 50.201991 -5.180868
TR3 7DT 0 50.194543 -5.185123
TR3 7DU 0 50.198048 -5.191145
TR3 7DW 0 50.200192 -5.163447
TR3 7DX 0 50.20029 -5.20058
TR3 7DY 0 50.19957 -5.204463
TR3 7DZ 0 50.191359 -5.180855
TR3 7EA 2 50.197511 -5.142949
TR3 7EB 0 50.197129 -5.142433