all postcodes in TR5 / ST. AGNES

find any address or company within the TR5 postcode district

Postcode Area

TR / Truro

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TR5 0NS 1 50.297996 -5.227839
TR5 0NT 0 50.303226 -5.220608
TR5 0NU 1 50.308743 -5.224704
TR5 0NW 1 50.304964 -5.215641
TR5 0NX 0 50.306487 -5.209091
TR5 0NZ 0 50.306557 -5.203276
TR5 0PA 2 50.303038 -5.202707
TR5 0PB 0 50.299423 -5.201307
TR5 0PD 12 50.298163 -5.200722
TR5 0PE 0 50.295971 -5.200247
TR5 0PF 1 50.292399 -5.191764
TR5 0PG 2 50.297575 -5.19331
TR5 0PH 0 50.303695 -5.191861
TR5 0PJ 0 50.303529 -5.189406
TR5 0PL 0 50.304476 -5.189005
TR5 0PN 1 50.305807 -5.188687
TR5 0PP 0 50.300189 -5.186912
TR5 0PQ 1 50.302086 -5.192146
TR5 0PR 0 50.307726 -5.184354
TR5 0PS 0 50.301457 -5.188185