all postcodes in TR7 / NEWQUAY

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Postcode Area

TR / Truro

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TR7 2PS 1 1 50.416113 -5.07382
TR7 2PY 20 0 50.416829 -5.06991
TR7 2PZ 56 4 50.415096 -5.069784
TR7 2QA 20 0 50.41665 -5.070546
TR7 2QB 3 1 50.413597 -5.069982
TR7 2QD 50 2 50.416323 -5.072031
TR7 2QE 33 3 50.415187 -5.071113
TR7 2QF 4 2 50.417657 -5.070893
TR7 2QG 12 0 50.414711 -5.071082
TR7 2QN 5 4 50.417328 -5.072507
TR7 2QT 18 0 50.414684 -5.068011
TR7 2QU 27 0 50.414955 -5.068986
TR7 2QX 13 0 50.414241 -5.069095
TR7 2QY 13 6 50.417331 -5.06965
TR7 2QZ 14 0 50.416233 -5.068635
TR7 2RA 11 0 50.413108 -5.067403
TR7 2RB 9 0 50.413503 -5.067062
TR7 2RD 9 0 50.414053 -5.067013
TR7 2RE 2 2 50.41307 -5.065108
TR7 2RF 14 0 50.413942 -5.065429