all postcodes in TR7 / NEWQUAY

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Postcode Area

TR / Truro

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TR7 2RG 26 1 50.415382 -5.065072
TR7 2RH 25 1 50.416393 -5.06632
TR7 2RJ 23 0 50.406965 -5.065978
TR7 2RL 52 0 50.411096 -5.062486
TR7 2RN 8 0 50.411934 -5.062456
TR7 2RP 71 0 50.410888 -5.063571
TR7 2RQ 25 0 50.415149 -5.066408
TR7 2RS 1 1 50.418662 -5.068592
TR7 2RT 14 5 50.4173 -5.064661
TR7 2RU 15 7 50.417551 -5.064001
TR7 2RW 41 0 50.412074 -5.063281
TR7 2RX 4 3 50.41781 -5.06375
TR7 2RY 46 1 50.417443 -5.061967
TR7 2SA 41 0 50.417364 -5.06665
TR7 2SB 21 5 50.416967 -5.064315
TR7 2SD 1 0 50.416908 -5.067564
TR7 2SG 9 0 50.408931 -5.061023
TR7 2SH 11 0 50.409788 -5.062965
TR7 2SJ 44 0 50.402877 -5.064109
TR7 2SL 2 2 50.413736 -5.062364