all postcodes in TS14 / GUISBOROUGH

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Postcode Area

TS / Cleveland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TS14 6NX 55 1 54.534364 -1.060797
TS14 6PA 17 0 54.535475 -1.060338
TS14 6PB 7 0 54.535596 -1.059795
TS14 6PD 44 0 54.534779 -1.059813
TS14 6PF 69 0 54.535285 -1.059014
TS14 6PH 10 0 54.535052 -1.057968
TS14 6PJ 8 1 54.53641 -1.051136
TS14 6PP 23 11 54.534824 -1.051359
TS14 6PQ 4 0 54.534681 -1.057683
TS14 6PR 18 11 54.534557 -1.049866
TS14 6PS 1 0 54.534884 -1.04567
TS14 6PT 8 1 54.537899 -1.037114
TS14 6PU 4 1 54.538014 -1.025721
TS14 6PX 5 4 54.533398 -1.008429
TS14 6PY 5 0 54.533961 -1.010224
TS14 6QA 99 98 54.554342 -1.032197
TS14 6QB 1 0 54.553709 -1.018327
TS14 6QD 41 28 54.534881 -1.052238
TS14 6QE 10 1 54.534536 -1.052849
TS14 6QF 24 3 54.533878 -1.052694