all postcodes in TS14 / GUISBOROUGH

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Postcode Area

TS / Cleveland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TS14 6QG 10 1 54.533476 -1.053647
TS14 6QH 14 0 54.531303 -1.061269
TS14 6QL 11 0 54.531344 -1.063045
TS14 6QN 9 0 54.53139 -1.061993
TS14 6QP 5 1 54.531563 -1.063519
TS14 6QQ 2 1 54.533188 -1.05407
TS14 6QR 2 0 54.532572 -1.063357
TS14 6QS 3 1 54.533835 -1.101129
TS14 6QT 3 0 54.536961 -1.096114
TS14 6QU 3 2 54.535037 -1.075788
TS14 6QW 10 0 54.530967 -1.063146
TS14 6QX 5 0 54.543001 -1.061989
TS14 6QY 2 0 54.555341 -1.083801
TS14 6QZ 2 0 54.564536 -1.095952
TS14 6RA 24 0 54.546788 -1.063619
TS14 6RB 2 1 54.541077 -1.049869
TS14 6RD 1 1 54.541098 -1.045077
TS14 6RE 3 0 54.542555 -1.044734
TS14 6RF 1 0 54.544875 -1.043056
TS14 6RG 11 4 54.550391 -1.04622