all postcodes in TS27 / HARTLEPOOL

find any address or company within the TS27 postcode district

Postcode Area

TS / Cleveland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TS27 3PB 16 0 54.710736 -1.243199
TS27 3PD 22 0 54.711247 -1.244587
TS27 3PE 16 0 54.712079 -1.245285
TS27 3PF 67 0 54.710574 -1.244754
TS27 3PG 8 0 54.709325 -1.243241
TS27 3PH 4 0 54.708093 -1.242813
TS27 3PJ 29 0 54.709983 -1.244952
TS27 3PL 13 0 54.711145 -1.246886
TS27 3PN 10 1 54.710848 -1.248319
TS27 3PP 50 0 54.711909 -1.248439
TS27 3PQ 38 0 54.708501 -1.243676
TS27 3PR 17 0 54.712586 -1.247325
TS27 3PS 17 0 54.712574 -1.246937
TS27 3PT 42 0 54.713572 -1.248409
TS27 3PU 22 0 54.713135 -1.24896
TS27 3PW 12 0 54.710935 -1.247821
TS27 3PX 21 0 54.713178 -1.250154
TS27 3PY 21 0 54.713404 -1.250383
TS27 3PZ 22 0 54.714403 -1.250597
TS27 3QA 6 0 54.714549 -1.249431