all postcodes in TS27 / HARTLEPOOL

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Postcode Area

TS / Cleveland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TS27 3QB 59 0 54.714694 -1.252641
TS27 3QD 12 0 54.7143 -1.251375
TS27 3QE 16 0 54.714025 -1.251924
TS27 3QF 45 0 54.716054 -1.25302
TS27 3QG 7 0 54.716054 -1.251607
TS27 3QH 10 1 54.716203 -1.252412
TS27 3QJ 11 0 54.716847 -1.253409
TS27 3QL 17 0 54.715774 -1.251457
TS27 3QN 27 0 54.717022 -1.254182
TS27 3QP 10 0 54.714579 -1.252954
TS27 3QQ 14 0 54.715503 -1.252688
TS27 3QR 44 0 54.715021 -1.254529
TS27 3QT 3 0 54.713867 -1.251073
TS27 3QU 63 0 54.713425 -1.255257
TS27 3QW 8 0 54.714093 -1.254251
TS27 3QX 61 0 54.713592 -1.253065
TS27 3QY 4 4 54.712368 -1.249656
TS27 3RA 46 0 54.712759 -1.252164
TS27 3RB 44 0 54.71217 -1.251353
TS27 3HN 1 1 54.668923 -1.299036