all postcodes in UB1 / SOUTHALL

find any address or company within the UB1 postcode district

Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB1 2SJ 6 0 51.517374 -0.373283
UB1 2SL 39 0 51.518017 -0.372388
UB1 2SN 10 0 51.519404 -0.37254
UB1 2SP 44 0 51.518381 -0.370083
UB1 2SR 16 0 51.51879 -0.371697
UB1 2SS 12 0 51.519132 -0.373026
UB1 2ST 44 0 51.519074 -0.370131
UB1 2SU 12 0 51.519733 -0.372903
UB1 2SW 28 0 51.52049 -0.37106
UB1 2SX 10 0 51.519402 -0.371704
UB1 2SY 32 0 51.519773 -0.369976
UB1 2SZ 11 0 51.519563 -0.36847
UB1 2TA 13 0 51.51994 -0.368356
UB1 2TB 12 0 51.521066 -0.369814
UB1 2TD 8 0 51.520352 -0.369552
UB1 2TE 16 0 51.521377 -0.370776
UB1 2TF 5 0 51.521761 -0.370654
UB1 2TG 12 0 51.522253 -0.371776
UB1 2TH 39 0 51.520829 -0.368281
UB1 2TJ 12 2 51.521097 -0.368739