all postcodes in UB1 / SOUTHALL

find any address or company within the UB1 postcode district

Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB1 2TL 46 0 51.522052 -0.369563
UB1 2TP 12 0 51.521337 -0.373812
UB1 2TQ 46 0 51.523134 -0.373027
UB1 2TR 20 0 51.521686 -0.372401
UB1 2TS 1 1 51.522244 -0.371127
UB1 2TT 4 0 51.522322 -0.370894
UB1 2TU 21 0 51.523141 -0.369034
UB1 2TX 13 0 51.523935 -0.366627
UB1 2TY 8 0 51.524256 -0.365671
UB1 2TZ 9 0 51.521058 -0.373764
UB1 2UA 6 0 51.521327 -0.372457
UB1 2UB 5 0 51.521683 -0.371551
UB1 2UD 13 0 51.522224 -0.370335
UB1 2UE 36 0 51.522973 -0.368608
UB1 2UG 18 0 51.523636 -0.36645
UB1 2UH 41 0 51.52047 -0.373526
UB1 2UJ 39 0 51.520569 -0.372859
UB1 2UL 28 0 51.52116 -0.371397
UB1 2UN 33 0 51.524787 -0.365833
UB1 2UP 44 0 51.523251 -0.370486