all postcodes in UB10 / UXBRIDGE

find any address or company within the UB10 postcode district

Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB10 8AA 0 51.559601 -0.466117
UB10 8AB 1 51.558487 -0.462101
UB10 8AD 0 51.559718 -0.461987
UB10 8AE 0 51.561216 -0.469265
UB10 8AF 0 51.561193 -0.470305
UB10 8AG 0 51.56435 -0.469442
UB10 8AJ 0 51.565954 -0.465759
UB10 8AL 0 51.56536 -0.467149
UB10 8AN 0 51.563267 -0.467941
UB10 8AP 0 51.560575 -0.467007
UB10 8AQ 2 51.567965 -0.468966
UB10 8AS 0 51.561134 -0.468532
UB10 8AT 0 51.561561 -0.468128
UB10 8AU 0 51.561444 -0.467996
UB10 8AW 0 51.563677 -0.467019
UB10 8AX 0 51.562413 -0.467112
UB10 8AY 0 51.564115 -0.463867
UB10 8AZ 0 51.565213 -0.460027
UB10 8BA 1 51.565369 -0.456848
UB10 8BB 1 51.565447 -0.453224