all postcodes in UB10 / UXBRIDGE

find any address or company within the UB10 postcode district

Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB10 8BD 0 51.565781 -0.450529
UB10 8BE 2 51.565878 -0.446976
UB10 8BG 1 51.565258 -0.445713
UB10 8BH 0 51.566752 -0.447797
UB10 8BJ 0 51.567557 -0.446847
UB10 8BL 0 51.566649 -0.448234
UB10 8BN 0 51.566939 -0.446348
UB10 8BP 0 51.565921 -0.446181
UB10 8BQ 0 51.563547 -0.466027
UB10 8BS 0 51.567415 -0.445639
UB10 8BT 0 51.568414 -0.447048
UB10 8BU 0 51.565992 -0.445457
UB10 8BW 0 51.567662 -0.447997
UB10 8BX 0 51.566185 -0.444247
UB10 8BY 1 51.565607 -0.444021
UB10 8DA 0 51.560633 -0.4694
UB10 8DQ 13 51.565428 -0.447626
UB10 8DF 17 51.564457 -0.444961
UB10 8DG 10 51.564906 -0.446244
UB10 8DH 0 51.565141 -0.451113