all postcodes in UB10 / UXBRIDGE

find any address or company within the UB10 postcode district

Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB10 8SB 13 0 51.566145 -0.44955
UB10 8SD 30 0 51.566946 -0.450951
UB10 8SE 10 0 51.568155 -0.451905
UB10 8SF 16 0 51.564102 -0.455491
UB10 8SG 27 0 51.562629 -0.455628
UB10 8SH 15 0 51.560483 -0.45798
UB10 8SJ 36 0 51.563113 -0.454183
UB10 8SL 19 0 51.56193 -0.45519
UB10 8SQ 23 0 51.561718 -0.457505
UB10 8SR 17 0 51.555418 -0.453621
UB10 8SS 23 0 51.555066 -0.452205
UB10 8ST 33 0 51.554973 -0.449929
UB10 8SU 1 0 51.556313 -0.448557
UB10 8SW 1 1 51.537324 -0.487355
UB10 8SX 13 1 51.557164 -0.446955
UB10 8SY 5 0 51.559197 -0.446338
UB10 8SZ 13 0 51.560856 -0.44652
UB10 8TA 17 2 51.562867 -0.445088
UB10 8TB 13 6 51.564069 -0.444152
UB10 8TD 24 0 51.558431 -0.446898