all postcodes in UB10 / UXBRIDGE

find any address or company within the UB10 postcode district

Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB10 8TE 23 0 51.559344 -0.447934
UB10 8TF 26 0 51.557993 -0.449134
UB10 8TH 66 0 51.568388 -0.435578
UB10 8TJ 49 0 51.567742 -0.436408
UB10 8TL 33 0 51.567099 -0.437411
UB10 8TN 15 0 51.567485 -0.43799
UB10 8TP 29 0 51.56662 -0.438553
UB10 8TQ 19 0 51.566207 -0.436562
UB10 8TR 38 0 51.567188 -0.44002
UB10 8TS 13 2 51.566143 -0.439205
UB10 8TT 34 0 51.564678 -0.439947
UB10 8TU 5 0 51.565095 -0.438144
UB10 8TW 17 0 51.565791 -0.438409
UB10 8TX 3 0 51.564617 -0.439401
UB10 8TY 6 0 51.56704 -0.434946
UB10 8TZ 21 0 51.566637 -0.435133
UB10 8UD 12 1 51.567035 -0.435942
UB10 8UE 24 0 51.56704 -0.434946
UB10 8UF 37 0 51.567147 -0.434264
UB10 8UG 12 0 51.567968 -0.434453