all postcodes in UB10 / UXBRIDGE

find any address or company within the UB10 postcode district

Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB10 8UH 36 0 51.567508 -0.433646
UB10 8UJ 36 0 51.567231 -0.433093
UB10 8UL 3 0 51.567035 -0.433273
UB10 8UN 30 0 51.566885 -0.436813
UB10 8UQ 36 0 51.567837 -0.434039
UB10 8UT 1 1 51.570101 -0.446774
UB10 8WZ 1 1 51.537324 -0.487355
UB10 8XA 36 0 51.566085 -0.436162
UB10 8XB 26 0 51.564374 -0.442107
UB10 8YN 1 1 51.537324 -0.487355
UB10 8ZU 1 1 51.537324 -0.487355
UB10 8ZX 1 1 51.537324 -0.487355
UB10 8AR 5 0 51.560008 -0.465613
UB10 8FD 14 0 51.56586 -0.441566
UB10 8FE 11 0 51.566307 -0.440699
UB10 8FG 12 0 51.567059 -0.441121
UB10 8FJ 28 0 51.568019 -0.437417
UB10 8FL 7 0 51.568561 -0.437615
UB10 8FN 14 0 51.56867 -0.437199
UB10 8FP 12 0 51.568652 -0.435843