all postcodes in UB10 / UXBRIDGE

find any address or company within the UB10 postcode district

Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB10 8DJ 0 51.564948 -0.454222
UB10 8DL 0 51.564845 -0.456455
UB10 8DN 0 51.564646 -0.460638
UB10 8DP 0 51.562808 -0.465021
UB10 8DR 0 51.5608 -0.467721
UB10 8DS 0 51.564339 -0.457142
UB10 8DT 0 51.560143 -0.462867
UB10 8DU 0 51.564337 -0.459696
UB10 8DW 0 51.563505 -0.463475
UB10 8DX 0 51.563731 -0.456701
UB10 8DY 0 51.564317 -0.453435
UB10 8DZ 0 51.560745 -0.471806
UB10 8EA 0 51.563159 -0.463126
UB10 8EB 0 51.563882 -0.462092
UB10 8ED 0 51.562443 -0.464809
UB10 8EE 0 51.561693 -0.465859
UB10 8EF 0 51.560997 -0.464945
UB10 8EG 0 51.560788 -0.462701
UB10 8EH 0 51.560709 -0.466253
UB10 8EJ 0 51.560379 -0.464432