all postcodes in UB10 / UXBRIDGE

find any address or company within the UB10 postcode district

Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB10 8NR 22 0 51.56384 -0.449945
UB10 8NT 9 0 51.561824 -0.45124
UB10 8NU 18 0 51.561687 -0.449687
UB10 8NW 24 0 51.556057 -0.446243
UB10 8NX 34 0 51.560495 -0.447246
UB10 8NY 9 0 51.560233 -0.447875
UB10 8NZ 5 0 51.561188 -0.44728
UB10 8PA 1 1 51.562942 -0.443974
UB10 8PB 20 6 51.562831 -0.443718
UB10 8PD 37 6 51.560847 -0.439891
UB10 8PE 6 0 51.560377 -0.43969
UB10 8PF 37 0 51.559817 -0.43681
UB10 8PG 21 0 51.559335 -0.438442
UB10 8PH 9 1 51.558789 -0.437307
UB10 8PJ 6 0 51.560129 -0.438011
UB10 8PL 7 0 51.557888 -0.43715
UB10 8PN 59 0 51.556232 -0.437048
UB10 8PP 50 0 51.558403 -0.438676
UB10 8PQ 16 0 51.55952 -0.436113
UB10 8PR 10 0 51.559997 -0.440915