all postcodes in UB10 / UXBRIDGE

find any address or company within the UB10 postcode district

Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB10 8PS 16 0 51.56002 -0.441939
UB10 8PT 32 0 51.560815 -0.44158
UB10 8PW 19 0 51.557539 -0.435965
UB10 8PY 31 0 51.556036 -0.44993
UB10 8PZ 27 0 51.556106 -0.45266
UB10 8QA 55 0 51.558058 -0.456763
UB10 8QB 21 0 51.55662 -0.449369
UB10 8QD 24 0 51.557515 -0.451069
UB10 8QE 11 0 51.55782 -0.452415
UB10 8FU 2 2 51.559016 -0.452887
UB10 8QF 22 0 51.558539 -0.454381
UB10 8QG 25 0 51.55876 -0.456162
UB10 8QH 19 0 51.55718 -0.453634
UB10 8QJ 17 0 51.556524 -0.455026
UB10 8QL 7 0 51.555928 -0.455508
UB10 8QN 10 0 51.556198 -0.456177
UB10 8QQ 13 0 51.558345 -0.451935
UB10 8QR 19 0 51.555589 -0.447557
UB10 8QS 38 0 51.557074 -0.445588
UB10 8QT 3 1 51.556093 -0.442823