all postcodes in UB11 / UXBRIDGE

find any address or company within the UB11 postcode district

Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB11 1AA 2 2 51.512376 -0.444386
UB11 1AD 1 1 51.510049 -0.438456
UB11 1AF 5 3 51.510588 -0.445781
UB11 1AQ 1 1 51.513245 -0.444155
UB11 1AW 1 1 51.509586 -0.447623
UB11 1AX 1 1 51.509124 -0.445304
UB11 1BB 1 1 51.509693 -0.442129
UB11 1BD 1 1 51.508112 -0.442946
UB11 1BF 1 1 51.508964 -0.453581
UB11 1ET 10 8 51.508836 -0.437036
UB11 1BT 1 1 51.511138 -0.451418
UB11 1BU 1 1 51.508826 -0.452663
UB11 1DB 1 1 51.511253 -0.44784
UB11 1EZ 14 14 51.508424 -0.441273
UB11 1HU 3 3 51.509996 -0.440519
UB11 1JA 1 1 51.509609 -0.443227
UB11 1TD 1 1 51.509239 -0.438369
UB11 1WF 1 1 51.537324 -0.487355
UB11 1FE 2 1 51.508689 -0.446955
UB11 1FJ 1 0 51.509693 -0.442129