all postcodes in UB2 / SOUTHALL

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Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB2 4FH 10 0 51.501357 -0.36348
UB2 4AG 20 0 51.502604 -0.36904
UB2 4AQ 20 0 51.502519 -0.36874
UB2 4AS 34 0 51.502848 -0.367879
UB2 4AZ 13 0 51.502424 -0.367101
UB2 4BA 8 0 51.502097 -0.368165
UB2 4FL 2 0 51.506631 -0.352238
UB2 4FN 13 0 51.506771 -0.351902
UB2 4FQ 14 0 51.506592 -0.351375
UB2 4FS 24 0 51.508654 -0.355429
UB2 4FU 2 0 51.508027 -0.349191
UB2 4AD 3 0 51.502837 -0.368988
UB2 5AA 22 8 51.502133 -0.383184
UB2 5AB 28 5 51.502211 -0.384262
UB2 5GP 45 0 51.501717 -0.386887
UB2 5AD 5 0 51.503293 -0.386364
UB2 5AF 5 0 51.503539 -0.379474
UB2 5AH 2 0 51.50072 -0.387593
UB2 5AJ 17 0 51.501794 -0.383325
UB2 5AL 3 3 51.502737 -0.383213