all postcodes in UB2 / SOUTHALL

find any address or company within the UB2 postcode district

Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB2 5BS 56 0 51.502833 -0.390925
UB2 5BU 19 0 51.501907 -0.388969
UB2 5BW 38 0 51.503062 -0.390557
UB2 5BX 18 0 51.502425 -0.390666
UB2 5BY 34 0 51.502532 -0.393183
UB2 5BZ 36 0 51.502231 -0.395557
UB2 5DB 22 0 51.50182 -0.389794
UB2 5DD 34 3 51.50156 -0.389904
UB2 5DE 32 2 51.502332 -0.392412
UB2 5DF 34 1 51.502013 -0.392726
UB2 5DG 44 0 51.502012 -0.395291
UB2 5DL 12 0 51.50161 -0.396155
UB2 5DN 12 0 51.501684 -0.395619
UB2 5DP 11 5 51.503226 -0.384133
UB2 5DQ 35 0 51.501463 -0.397875
UB2 5DS 3 3 51.500957 -0.384594
UB2 5DU 1 1 51.500848 -0.385203
UB2 5DW 5 0 51.501388 -0.396321
UB2 5DX 25 0 51.500618 -0.386703
UB2 5DZ 21 8 51.500574 -0.388137