all postcodes in UB3 / SOUTHALL

find any address or company within the UB3 postcode district

Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB3 1AH 23 0 51.510047 -0.424867
UB3 1AN 7 5 51.505322 -0.423229
UB3 1BL 5 4 51.505456 -0.425818
UB3 1AP 16 10 51.509552 -0.424014
UB3 1AQ 25 6 51.509231 -0.422979
UB3 1AR 1 1 51.508815 -0.425486
UB3 1AU 1 0 51.505143 -0.423278
UB3 1AW 3 2 51.507904 -0.436037
UB3 1AX 59 9 51.504567 -0.421102
UB3 1AY 2 0 51.504172 -0.420482
UB3 1AZ 32 4 51.504404 -0.421699
UB3 1BA 14 0 51.504785 -0.423435
UB3 1BB 10 7 51.504724 -0.424201
UB3 1BD 2 2 51.506835 -0.427306
UB3 1BE 7 4 51.50785 -0.423329
UB3 1BQ 13 4 51.507196 -0.428101
UB3 1BW 1 1 51.504484 -0.426442
UB3 1BY 48 4 51.503882 -0.421751
UB3 1BZ 2 0 51.50423 -0.422843
UB3 1DB 15 2 51.504275 -0.42423