all postcodes in UB5 / GREENFORD

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Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB5 4AA 3 3 51.548212 -0.368441
UB5 4AD 10 0 51.550819 -0.371593
UB5 4AE 15 0 51.551761 -0.371458
UB5 4AF 24 0 51.552504 -0.371879
UB5 4AG 24 0 51.553362 -0.372122
UB5 4AH 13 0 51.552387 -0.372489
UB5 4AJ 8 0 51.553772 -0.372526
UB5 4AL 9 0 51.551336 -0.369944
UB5 4AP 32 6 51.551646 -0.36901
UB5 4AQ 5 0 51.551433 -0.372407
UB5 4AR 24 0 51.550916 -0.368228
UB5 4AS 25 0 51.551784 -0.373779
UB5 4AT 12 1 51.552656 -0.375061
UB5 4AU 20 0 51.552838 -0.368693
UB5 4AW 9 0 51.551355 -0.370665
UB5 4AX 12 0 51.552003 -0.368795
UB5 4AY 14 0 51.553553 -0.375519
UB5 4BB 9 0 51.554613 -0.374111
UB5 4BD 21 0 51.554203 -0.375035
UB5 4BE 21 0 51.555026 -0.374125