all postcodes in UB7 / WEST DRAYTON

find any address or company within the UB7 postcode district

Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB7 7RD 20 0 51.512622 -0.477538
UB7 7RE 16 0 51.512375 -0.477935
UB7 7RG 18 0 51.511987 -0.475579
UB7 7RH 41 0 51.511312 -0.475694
UB7 7RJ 36 2 51.511683 -0.476575
UB7 7RL 57 6 51.512466 -0.47456
UB7 7RN 8 1 51.514795 -0.475895
UB7 7RQ 12 8 51.512283 -0.475526
UB7 7RR 3 0 51.513143 -0.477478
UB7 7RS 18 13 51.512486 -0.480102
UB7 7RT 12 5 51.513922 -0.479867
UB7 7RU 6 3 51.514016 -0.475324
UB7 7RW 12 0 51.51469 -0.476158
UB7 7RX 20 0 51.516772 -0.475829
UB7 7RY 25 1 51.517435 -0.475648
UB7 7SN 1 1 51.51303 -0.480537
UB7 7ST 35 0 51.512064 -0.474761
UB7 7TL 55 0 51.509439 -0.478264
UB7 7TR 12 0 51.515062 -0.47567
UB7 7TS 15 0 51.515492 -0.476139