all postcodes in UB7 / WEST DRAYTON

find any address or company within the UB7 postcode district

Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB7 7NU 45 0 51.502727 -0.479352
UB7 7NW 32 0 51.504913 -0.478732
UB7 7NX 33 1 51.503881 -0.478852
UB7 7NZ 2 0 51.504157 -0.477123
UB7 7PA 2 0 51.503786 -0.478481
UB7 7PB 13 0 51.504773 -0.47695
UB7 7PD 24 0 51.503668 -0.477721
UB7 7PE 5 0 51.504505 -0.472218
UB7 7PF 15 0 51.50291 -0.480988
UB7 7PG 15 0 51.503167 -0.478617
UB7 7PH 2 0 51.502949 -0.47761
UB7 7PJ 10 2 51.50442 -0.476068
UB7 7PL 8 2 51.504758 -0.475091
UB7 7PN 19 7 51.504003 -0.475088
UB7 7PP 11 0 51.502035 -0.474548
UB7 7PQ 35 0 51.503401 -0.477226
UB7 7PS 3 1 51.503809 -0.469187
UB7 7PT 8 0 51.504429 -0.47052
UB7 7PU 7 0 51.504297 -0.472845
UB7 7PW 27 2 51.502872 -0.475976