all postcodes in UB9 / UXBRIDGE

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Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB9 4HP 1 51.56924 -0.520017
UB9 4HQ 0 51.57115 -0.525101
UB9 4HR 0 51.572283 -0.527451
UB9 4HS 1 51.572798 -0.529094
UB9 4HW 0 51.569499 -0.52125
UB9 4LA 0 51.574499 -0.523483
UB9 4LD 0 51.572166 -0.521005
UB9 4LB 0 51.574186 -0.522916
UB9 4LE 0 51.571977 -0.514575
UB9 4LF 0 51.573505 -0.518825
UB9 4LG 0 51.574242 -0.515959
UB9 4LJ 1 51.573062 -0.527916
UB9 4LQ 0 51.572815 -0.516871
UB9 4LS 1 51.537324 -0.487355
UB9 4NA 1 51.563593 -0.485987
UB9 4LH 2 2 51.573577 -0.527216
UB9 4EP 1 1 51.568985 -0.503432
UB9 4BS 75 0 51.552465 -0.484401
UB9 4BT 76 0 51.552037 -0.483954
UB9 5AA 0 51.567889 -0.502819