all postcodes in UB9 / UXBRIDGE

find any address or company within the UB9 postcode district

Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB9 5AB 0 51.56879 -0.502241
UB9 5AD 0 51.570434 -0.501408
UB9 5AE 2 51.568263 -0.501646
UB9 5AH 1 51.575789 -0.507408
UB9 5AJ 1 51.579198 -0.525337
UB9 5AL 0 51.569828 -0.503231
UB9 5AP 0 51.567224 -0.497228
UB9 5AR 0 51.567789 -0.496373
UB9 5AS 0 51.569515 -0.494959
UB9 5AT 0 51.564894 -0.495732
UB9 5AU 0 51.564319 -0.494908
UB9 5AW 0 51.565561 -0.497961
UB9 5AX 1 51.567012 -0.498216
UB9 5AY 0 51.567816 -0.497093
UB9 5AZ 0 51.568809 -0.50022
UB9 5BA 0 51.5689 -0.498681
UB9 5BB 0 51.569344 -0.499193
UB9 5BD 0 51.574044 -0.49963
UB9 5BE 4 51.572691 -0.498635
UB9 5BG 0 51.5707 -0.49464