all postcodes in UB9 / UXBRIDGE

find any address or company within the UB9 postcode district

Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB9 5BH 3 51.573105 -0.498607
UB9 5BJ 0 51.573058 -0.498508
UB9 5BL 1 51.573058 -0.500614
UB9 5BN 1 51.571516 -0.502397
UB9 5BP 0 51.56575 -0.495834
UB9 5BU 0 51.565463 -0.496622
UB9 5BW 0 51.56592 -0.495064
UB9 5BX 0 51.565521 -0.495567
UB9 5DA 1 51.578281 -0.505257
UB9 5DB 0 51.565168 -0.494684
UB9 5DD 0 51.581395 -0.509909
UB9 5DE 2 51.586265 -0.511006
UB9 5DF 9 51.591852 -0.509784
UB9 5DG 1 51.598404 -0.511706
UB9 5DH 0 51.593708 -0.507297
UB9 5DJ 0 51.593018 -0.506064
UB9 5DL 0 51.592001 -0.517314
UB9 5DN 0 51.587424 -0.525157
UB9 5DP 0 51.579295 -0.515202
UB9 5DQ 1 51.59292 -0.512506