all postcodes in W1F / LONDON

find any address or company within the W1F postcode district

Postcode Area

W / West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
W1F 0HU 4 0 51.513744 -0.13476
W1F 0HY 5 0 51.513688 -0.134788
W1F 0HZ 1 1 51.513461 -0.13461
W1F 0JA 1 0 51.513461 -0.13461
W1F 0JD 9 0 51.512793 -0.135588
W1F 0JE 19 0 51.512865 -0.135629
W1F 0JF 1 1 51.513111 -0.135777
W1F 0JG 6 0 51.51314 -0.135794
W1F 0JH 5 1 51.513211 -0.135888
W1F 0JL 53 0 51.512967 -0.13525
W1F 0JP 1 1 51.51295 -0.135841
W1F 0JQ 5 2 51.513166 -0.135847
W1F 0JR 2 1 51.513076 -0.135851
W1F 0JS 3 0 51.513086 -0.135922
W1F 0JT 5 1 51.513069 -0.135981
W1F 0JW 5 0 51.512942 -0.135914
W1F 0LA 1 0 51.512011 -0.135073
W1F 0LB 2 2 51.512122 -0.135255
W1F 0LD 1 0 51.512232 -0.135352
W1F 0LE 1 1 51.512505 -0.135586