all postcodes in W1F / LONDON

find any address or company within the W1F postcode district

Postcode Area

W / West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
W1F 0LH 5 0 51.512834 -0.135918
W1F 0LL 1 1 51.512889 -0.135988
W1F 0LP 3 3 51.513135 -0.136194
W1F 0LR 7 0 51.513189 -0.136163
W1F 0LS 1 0 51.512834 -0.135918
W1F 0LW 4 4 51.513081 -0.136196
W1F 0UN 7 7 51.513256 -0.134171
W1F 0NL 1 1 51.513655 -0.134371
W1F 0PH 3 3 51.513216 -0.13449
W1F 0PJ 5 0 51.513261 -0.134517
W1F 0PL 5 0 51.513379 -0.134541
W1F 0PN 1 0 51.513424 -0.134582
W1F 0PP 1 0 51.513497 -0.134652
W1F 0PR 1 0 51.513543 -0.134679
W1F 0PS 4 0 51.513597 -0.13472
W1F 0PT 5 0 51.513634 -0.134761
W1F 0PU 1 1 51.513688 -0.134788
W1F 0PW 2 2 51.513461 -0.13461
W1F 0PX 1 0 51.513725 -0.134844
W1F 0PY 4 1 51.513753 -0.134872