all postcodes in W1F / LONDON

find any address or company within the W1F postcode district

Postcode Area

W / West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
W1F 7SL 26 0 51.513636 -0.137154
W1F 7SN 4 4 51.513646 -0.137196
W1F 7SP 8 8 51.513633 -0.136952
W1F 7SQ 36 0 51.513438 -0.137681
W1F 7SW 1 0 51.513636 -0.137154
W1F 7TA 7 7 51.514295 -0.140168
W1F 7TB 1 1 51.514295 -0.140168
W1F 7TD 1 1 51.514469 -0.140319
W1F 7TE 7 7 51.514469 -0.140319
W1F 7TF 2 2 51.514536 -0.140043
W1F 7TG 13 13 51.514752 -0.140581
W1F 7TH 6 6 51.514879 -0.140677
W1F 7TJ 9 1 51.51497 -0.140774
W1F 7TN 1 1 51.51519 -0.14101
W1F 7TP 1 1 51.515045 -0.141492
W1F 7TQ 2 2 51.514815 -0.140637
W1F 7TR 1 1 51.514988 -0.141293
W1F 7TT 1 1 51.514942 -0.141251
W1F 7TU 3 3 51.514688 -0.141103
W1F 7TW 1 1 51.515098 -0.140899