all postcodes in W1F / LONDON

find any address or company within the W1F postcode district

Postcode Area

W / West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
W1F 7RB 1 0 51.513396 -0.138446
W1F 7RE 1 1 51.513505 -0.138499
W1F 7RF 1 1 51.513541 -0.138527
W1F 7RG 1 0 51.513577 -0.138554
W1F 7RH 3 2 51.513651 -0.138637
W1F 7RJ 1 0 51.513678 -0.138665
W1F 7RL 1 1 51.513705 -0.138693
W1F 7RN 2 0 51.513789 -0.138765
W1F 7RR 3 0 51.513646 -0.138926
W1F 7RS 1 0 51.513518 -0.138801
W1F 7RT 1 1 51.513503 -0.138834
W1F 7RU 1 1 51.513518 -0.138801
W1F 7RW 2 0 51.513719 -0.139009
W1F 7RX 1 1 51.513518 -0.138801
W1F 7RY 1 1 51.513345 -0.138664
W1F 7RZ 3 1 51.513317 -0.138593
W1F 7SA 1 1 51.515148 -0.140047
W1F 7SD 1 0 51.514987 -0.14059
W1F 7SE 3 3 51.514959 -0.139928
W1F 7SH 36 0 51.513438 -0.137681