all postcodes in W1F / LONDON

find any address or company within the W1F postcode district

Postcode Area

W / West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
W1F 8DN 1 0 51.514862 -0.135648
W1F 8DP 1 0 51.514725 -0.136057
W1F 8DQ 2 0 51.514931 -0.135429
W1F 8DR 6 0 51.514699 -0.13613
W1F 8DS 5 2 51.514691 -0.136203
W1F 8DT 1 1 51.514693 -0.136177
W1F 8DU 9 9 51.514648 -0.136348
W1F 8DY 2 2 51.514598 -0.136567
W1F 8DZ 1 0 51.514598 -0.136567
W1F 8EA 6 6 51.514537 -0.136684
W1F 8EB 1 0 51.514356 -0.13662
W1F 8ED 1 1 51.514356 -0.13662
W1F 8EF 5 5 51.514399 -0.136474
W1F 8EG 1 0 51.514432 -0.136343
W1F 8EH 1 1 51.514476 -0.136226
W1F 8EJ 1 1 51.514484 -0.136182
W1F 8EN 1 0 51.514509 -0.13608
W1F 8EP 8 6 51.514552 -0.135963
W1F 8EQ 1 0 51.514432 -0.136343
W1F 8ER 2 2 51.514664 -0.135627