all postcodes in W1F / LONDON

find any address or company within the W1F postcode district

Postcode Area

W / West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
W1F 8ES 2 2 51.514681 -0.135583
W1F 8ET 1 0 51.514698 -0.135525
W1F 8EU 5 1 51.514723 -0.135394
W1F 8EW 6 1 51.514535 -0.135993
W1F 8EX 1 1 51.51474 -0.135321
W1F 8EY 3 3 51.51474 -0.135321
W1F 8EZ 1 1 51.51474 -0.135321
W1F 8FL 6 5 51.51508 -0.134097
W1F 8FN 1 0 51.51522 -0.134408
W1F 8FP 3 3 51.515429 -0.134544
W1F 8FR 3 2 51.515484 -0.134585
W1F 8FS 2 2 51.515673 -0.134635
W1F 8FW 2 2 51.515383 -0.134474
W1F 8FY 3 2 51.515666 -0.135284
W1F 8GA 1 0 51.51533 -0.135686
W1F 8GB 5 5 51.515324 -0.13586
W1F 8GD 1 1 51.515254 -0.135949
W1F 8GE 1 1 51.515254 -0.135949
W1F 8GG 1 0 51.515237 -0.136022
W1F 8GH 1 1 51.515202 -0.136686