all postcodes in W1G / LONDON

find any address or company within the W1G postcode district

Postcode Area

W / West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
W1G 7EG 0 51.520138 -0.146272
W1G 7EH 0 51.519903 -0.146166
W1G 7JL 2 51.521877 -0.14805
W1G 7EP 0 51.522351 -0.148013
W1G 7EQ 0 51.520039 -0.146233
W1G 7ER 0 51.522542 -0.148135
W1G 7ES 0 51.522833 -0.148256
W1G 7ET 1 51.52144 -0.147877
W1G 7HA 1 51.519513 -0.147007
W1G 7HB 0 51.519602 -0.147043
W1G 7HD 4 51.519674 -0.147069
W1G 7HE 1 51.519729 -0.147096
W1G 7HF 1 51.519792 -0.147136
W1G 7HG 2 51.519864 -0.147148
W1G 7HH 2 51.520009 -0.147185
W1G 7HJ 0 51.520091 -0.14724
W1G 7HL 1 51.520163 -0.14728
W1G 7HN 2 51.520244 -0.147305
W1G 7HP 1 51.520389 -0.147372
W1G 7HQ 0 51.519945 -0.147145