all postcodes in W1G / LONDON

find any address or company within the W1G postcode district

Postcode Area

W / West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
W1G 7JZ 1 51.522563 -0.148321
W1G 7LA 3 51.522635 -0.148376
W1G 7LB 0 51.522717 -0.148416
W1G 7LD 0 51.522771 -0.148428
W1G 7LE 1 51.522853 -0.148468
W1G 7LF 1 51.522853 -0.148468
W1G 7LG 1 51.522998 -0.148534
W1G 7LH 1 51.523124 -0.148587
W1G 7LJ 1 51.523124 -0.148587
W1G 7LQ 1 51.523061 -0.148561
W1G 7LT 0 51.519832 -0.145665
W1G 7AJ 1 1 51.521681 -0.147161
W1G 7AE 1 0 51.522045 -0.146872
W1G 7AG 1 0 51.52197 -0.147221
W1G 7JA 2 2 51.521142 -0.147745
W1G 7AS 0 51.522057 -0.148169
W1G 7AT 0 51.52213 -0.147705
W1G 7AY 0 51.521656 -0.147291
W1G 7JU 1 51.522373 -0.148257
W1G 7YZ 1 51.524565 -0.112042