all postcodes in W1K / LONDON

find any address or company within the W1K postcode district

Postcode Area

W / West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
W1K 6LP 0 51.512357 -0.154687
W1K 6LQ 0 51.512363 -0.154442
W1K 6LR 0 51.512382 -0.154556
W1K 6LT 0 51.512377 -0.154196
W1K 6LW 0 51.512113 -0.154611
W1K 6NE 1 51.512281 -0.154979
W1K 6NF 5 51.512327 -0.155006
W1K 6NH 2 51.511704 -0.154858
W1K 6NJ 0 51.511749 -0.15487
W1K 6NL 0 51.511803 -0.154883
W1K 6AF 3 51.513337 -0.155238
W1K 6NP 0 51.511903 -0.154922
W1K 6NQ 0 51.511623 -0.154847
W1K 6NS 0 51.512227 -0.154952
W1K 6NT 0 51.512871 -0.155344
W1K 6NW 0 51.511857 -0.154895
W1K 6NX 3 51.51298 -0.155397
W1K 6NY 0 51.512109 -0.154899
W1K 6NZ 0 51.512181 -0.154925
W1K 6PA 0 51.511821 -0.153743