all postcodes in W1K / LONDON

find any address or company within the W1K postcode district

Postcode Area

W / West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
W1K 6PB 0 51.511696 -0.154354
W1K 6PR 1 51.512813 -0.152641
W1K 6RD 0 51.512754 -0.155305
W1K 6RE 0 51.512956 -0.154418
W1K 6RF 0 51.51295 -0.154523
W1K 6RH 0 51.512592 -0.154595
W1K 6RJ 0 51.5129 -0.154867
W1K 6RL 0 51.513057 -0.153967
W1K 6RN 0 51.51304 -0.154069
W1K 6RP 0 51.512916 -0.154722
W1K 6RQ 1 51.512835 -0.153587
W1K 6RR 0 51.512519 -0.155214
W1K 6RS 0 51.512544 -0.155141
W1K 6RT 0 51.512552 -0.15504
W1K 6RU 1 51.512559 -0.154924
W1K 6RW 0 51.512989 -0.154244
W1K 6RX 0 51.512566 -0.154823
W1K 6RY 0 51.512583 -0.154707
W1K 6RZ 0 51.512614 -0.154446
W1K 6TA 0 51.513622 -0.15161