all postcodes in W1S / LONDON

find any address or company within the W1S postcode district

Postcode Area

W / West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
W1S 3HL 1 1 51.510063 -0.140917
W1S 3HN 1 1 51.510089 -0.138624
W1S 3JN 1 1 51.511106 -0.140326
W1S 3JR 1 1 51.510291 -0.139423
W1S 3LB 1 0 51.510547 -0.141949
W1S 3LD 1 1 51.510632 -0.140519
W1S 3LG 3 3 51.510547 -0.141949
W1S 3LJ 1 0 51.510229 -0.141774
W1S 3LP 1 1 51.510063 -0.140917
W1S 3LQ 1 0 51.510474 -0.141909
W1S 3LR 1 0 51.509915 -0.141268
W1S 3LT 1 1 51.51011 -0.141621
W1S 3LU 2 1 51.509861 -0.141256
W1S 3LW 1 0 51.51011 -0.141621
W1S 3LZ 5 5 51.510137 -0.141058
W1S 3NE 1 1 51.51105 -0.140199
W1S 3NG 2 0 51.510477 -0.141408
W1S 3NP 3 3 51.51011 -0.141621
W1S 3NQ 8 7 51.510795 -0.141737
W1S 3NS 3 3 51.50998 -0.141367