all postcodes in W1S / LONDON

find any address or company within the W1S postcode district

Postcode Area

W / West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
W1S 3NY 1 0 51.510394 -0.141969
W1S 3PB 5 4 51.510605 -0.139817
W1S 3PE 7 7 51.510738 -0.139823
W1S 3PF 9 9 51.510779 -0.140138
W1S 3PG 1 0 51.510966 -0.140015
W1S 3PH 4 4 51.51105 -0.140199
W1S 3PJ 3 3 51.511231 -0.140278
W1S 3PL 1 1 51.511276 -0.140334
W1S 3PN 8 8 51.511349 -0.140374
W1S 3PP 2 2 51.511422 -0.140458
W1S 3PQ 2 2 51.510969 -0.140217
W1S 3PR 9 9 51.511523 -0.140569
W1S 3PS 1 1 51.510966 -0.140015
W1S 3PT 3 2 51.511059 -0.140707
W1S 3PW 5 5 51.511422 -0.140458
W1S 3PX 1 0 51.510987 -0.140792
W1S 3PZ 13 0 51.510632 -0.140519
W1S 3QB 1 0 51.510632 -0.140519
W1S 3QD 1 0 51.510632 -0.140519
W1S 3QE 3 3 51.510632 -0.140519