all postcodes in W1U / LONDON

find any address or company within the W1U postcode district

Postcode Area

W / West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
W1U 8ED 6 6 51.516458 -0.155271
W1U 8EE 1 0 51.51681 -0.155358
W1U 8EH 1 0 51.517807 -0.155822
W1U 8EJ 1 0 51.517773 -0.155939
W1U 8EN 1 1 51.517952 -0.155902
W1U 8EQ 3 2 51.517689 -0.155769
W1U 8EW 26 26 51.518903 -0.156368
W1U 8HA 5 0 51.516911 -0.157155
W1U 8HF 1 1 51.517925 -0.157648
W1U 8HG 10 0 51.51807 -0.157685
W1U 8HN 4 0 51.518641 -0.157979
W1U 8HP 1 0 51.518995 -0.158167
W1U 8HQ 4 2 51.518242 -0.157793
W1U 8HR 1 0 51.517147 -0.157924
W1U 8HS 1 1 51.517221 -0.158036
W1U 8HT 1 0 51.517318 -0.157931
W1U 8HU 7 6 51.517382 -0.157987
W1U 8HW 20 0 51.518786 -0.158045
W1U 8HX 2 2 51.517454 -0.157998
W1U 8HY 1 1 51.517581 -0.158036