all postcodes in W1U / LONDON

find any address or company within the W1U postcode district

Postcode Area

W / West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
W1U 2HU 0 51.518267 -0.150211
W1U 2HX 1 51.518291 -0.150613
W1U 2JB 0 51.517741 -0.149929
W1U 2JD 1 51.517682 -0.150191
W1U 2JE 0 51.517662 -0.150624
W1U 2JF 0 51.517813 -0.150954
W1U 2JG 0 51.517811 -0.150979
W1U 2JH 1 51.517632 -0.150986
W1U 2JJ 0 51.517658 -0.150913
W1U 2JL 0 51.517804 -0.151065
W1U 2JN 0 51.517633 -0.151044
W1U 2JP 0 51.517625 -0.151102
W1U 2JR 1 51.517788 -0.15121
W1U 2JW 2 51.517805 -0.151152
W1U 2NT 6 51.517488 -0.150977
W1U 2RU 11 51.516654 -0.148287
W1U 2LL 0 51.517008 -0.146759
W1U 2LN 0 51.517071 -0.146786
W1U 2LR 0 51.517279 -0.146878
W1U 2LS 0 51.517515 -0.147027