all postcodes in W1U / LONDON

find any address or company within the W1U postcode district

Postcode Area

W / West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
W1U 2PF 0 51.516524 -0.150296
W1U 2PG 0 51.517877 -0.151135
W1U 2PH 0 51.517883 -0.150933
W1U 2PJ 0 51.517991 -0.150928
W1U 2PN 1 51.517992 -0.151015
W1U 2PP 1 51.518002 -0.151086
W1U 2PR 0 51.516697 -0.150447
W1U 2PS 1 51.518022 -0.151201
W1U 2PT 0 51.51677 -0.150516
W1U 2PW 1 51.516652 -0.15042
W1U 2PX 1 51.518069 -0.151329
W1U 2PY 1 51.517177 -0.150658
W1U 2PZ 0 51.517338 -0.150638
W1U 2QA 1 51.517592 -0.150617
W1U 2QF 0 51.518278 -0.150888
W1U 2QG 3 51.518254 -0.151105
W1U 2QH 0 51.517293 -0.151201
W1U 2QJ 1 51.517293 -0.151201
W1U 2QL 2 51.517428 -0.151196
W1U 2QN 3 51.517537 -0.151249