all postcodes in WF10 / NORMANTON

find any address or company within the WF10 postcode district

Postcode Area

WF / Wakefield

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WF10 3BA 47 0 53.723331 -1.327157
WF10 3BB 34 0 53.725309 -1.320927
WF10 3BD 30 0 53.724765 -1.324831
WF10 3BE 20 0 53.724867 -1.326951
WF10 3BG 25 0 53.724876 -1.328512
WF10 3BH 35 0 53.725613 -1.328621
WF10 3BJ 28 0 53.725559 -1.325409
WF10 3BL 12 0 53.72495 -1.32257
WF10 3BN 9 0 53.725345 -1.324079
WF10 3BQ 33 0 53.725124 -1.329554
WF10 3BY 9 1 53.725939 -1.319325
WF10 3BZ 2 0 53.725738 -1.318802
WF10 3DA 2 0 53.726629 -1.319045
WF10 3DB 45 1 53.72686 -1.317052
WF10 3DD 21 0 53.726215 -1.317336
WF10 3DE 23 0 53.724587 -1.31876
WF10 3DF 49 0 53.724318 -1.322019
WF10 3DG 30 0 53.724411 -1.325822
WF10 3DH 10 0 53.72819 -1.320017
WF10 3DJ 41 0 53.728382 -1.322226