all postcodes in WF12 / DEWSBURY

find any address or company within the WF12 postcode district

Postcode Area

WF / Wakefield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WF12 9BX 1 53.67884 -1.637415
WF12 9BZ 5 53.67463 -1.622514
WF12 9DA 0 53.675467 -1.630632
WF12 9DB 17 53.679473 -1.626767
WF12 9DE 0 53.674751 -1.634559
WF12 9DF 0 53.674055 -1.633218
WF12 9DG 0 53.67417 -1.632763
WF12 9DH 0 53.673978 -1.631478
WF12 9DJ 1 53.675962 -1.633867
WF12 9DL 1 53.675365 -1.632677
WF12 9DN 0 53.67438 -1.630823
WF12 9DP 0 53.676006 -1.633307
WF12 9DQ 0 53.674693 -1.633137
WF12 9DR 0 53.674821 -1.63085
WF12 9DS 1 53.675245 -1.631588
WF12 9DT 0 53.675697 -1.632477
WF12 9DU 3 53.67243 -1.636835
WF12 9DW 3 53.673551 -1.630149
WF12 9DX 0 53.673693 -1.635325
WF12 9DY 0 53.674224 -1.635578