all postcodes in WF14 / MIRFIELD

find any address or company within the WF14 postcode district

Postcode Area

WF / Wakefield

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WF14 9NR 0 53.676597 -1.679852
WF14 9NS 0 53.675843 -1.679963
WF14 9NT 0 53.675046 -1.681226
WF14 9NU 0 53.67505 -1.682634
WF14 9NW 0 53.675894 -1.6824
WF14 9NZ 0 53.678858 -1.689677
WF14 9PA 0 53.676623 -1.686149
WF14 9PB 0 53.675799 -1.687109
WF14 9PD 1 53.676575 -1.688314
WF14 9PE 0 53.676954 -1.688902
WF14 9PF 0 53.677803 -1.687033
WF14 9PG 0 53.679115 -1.687054
WF14 9PH 1 53.680144 -1.688757
WF14 9PJ 0 53.678208 -1.690679
WF14 9PL 0 53.679996 -1.690711
WF14 9PN 0 53.678793 -1.691114
WF14 9PP 1 53.678319 -1.693072
WF14 9PQ 0 53.679085 -1.689219
WF14 9PR 0 53.677644 -1.692835
WF14 9PS 0 53.678316 -1.683835